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The Village Newsletter

The Community Association publishes "Community Call" about every six months and it delivered to every house in the village.

Copies will be found in the Memorial Hall, The Old School, the Church and the pub as well.

It is designed to keep people in the village informed about events and activities planned in or around the village
- really everything that goes on here in Ashley Green - anything at all newsworthy!

2022 marks the
EIGHTEENTH year of publication (35 Issues to date) in the current format.

We call it :-


Its success depends entirely upon contributions made by villagers or from all the activities that go on in the village.
Without such input there can be no Newsletter, so please try hard to supply copy. Articles. Letters, Comment,
Suggestions, Feedback, and even moans and groans - should you have any. Everything gratefully received.

ALL 37 issues are available now.
Click below to read, or download.


Some issues are quite large, and may take a little time to load, especially for people with slower connections.
Please be patient!

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